Thursday, March 1, 2012

The "Save Marc Movement"

Since Marc Scaurus and Bowdy have joined the show, we’ve started a bit of a running joke. The joke is; eventually someone of importance in The Tuskers is going to listen to the podcast and Marc will be kicked out. The reason his corp would kick him out is because Voices is an explicit show and The Tuskers have strict “family values” policies. Also, The Devil Suleiman Shouaa inevitably comes up in conversation every episode.

Well, the jigs up. When I open up the admin panel for the podcast, it gives me different site data. One module shows me popular link referrers and at the top of the list was Ut-oh. I did message Marc asking him how often he checked the forums, but I went to sleep before he could answer.

He did eventually answer. The next morning there was a message from Marc confirming there was a Voices thread on The Tuskers forums. This could only end well right? Well, I don’t really know as the saga currently continues. As of the moment, Marc and I are working out a deal for The Devil Suleiman Shouaa to guest on Voices in exchange of amnesty for Marc.

In further efforts of groveling on behalf of my co-host, I have put my moderate Adobe Photoshop skills to work. I present to you the “WWTDSSD” Wallpaper.

Not Bad Right?  Full Size Here.
Why the theme “What Would The Devil Suleiman Shouaa Do?” Well, Suleimann gets himself in some interesting predicaments when it comes to Internet spaceships. In most of those situations he’s able to overcome the odds or at least get a good story out of it. If you’re interested in more tales of The Devil Suleimann Shouaa you should go check out his blog.  He's also discovered twitter so be sure to follow him @SuleimannShouaa.

The whole thing could also be an elaborate troll. We’re not sure, but I will keep you posted.



  1. So Marc has to have family values in venues not related to The Tuskers? That is a very disturbing rule.

    1. That's why we're thinking it was a troll. It is a bit "much" to extend your corp rules to a venue with in the game, but not directly related. Some organizations are like that though. In IRC they are very strict about interactions with the Eve Community; no taking in local, no posting on the Eve-O forums. In fact one of their members wants to try a podcast, but is nervous about doing so because of the regulations. They did start a blog to test the waters so, I'll have to see how that goes for them.

  2. I never joke or troll, Eve is too serious.

  3. That just means the Save Marc Movement must continue on.

  4. I think calling it a Resistance would be a more apt term personally.

    1. I think you're right. The Save Marc Resistance. It certainly has a ring to it. Vivez l'revelucion!
